Differentiating between myopia and glaucoma: a clinical conundrum
This presentation highlights the difficulties imposed by high myopia in differentiating between a healthy, highly myopic optic nerve and myopic glaucomatous neuropathy due to the unique morphological features of the myopic disc, the limitations in current spectral domain OCT and automated perimetry, and the comparatively poor representation of higher negative refractive errors in the database of these technologies. The session will evidence associations between glaucoma, axial elongation and refractive error as a consequence of weakening of the lamina cribrosa collagen support, scleral remodelling in the posterior pole and biomechanical changes in corneal hysteresis that occur as a result of a drive towards high myopia. The lecture then offers several tips and clinical pearls to overcome these obstacles and facilitate accurate assessment, diagnosis and differentiation between the two conditions. This topic is pertinent due to the significant increase in the prevalence of myopia and high myopia, which is predicted to worsen in the near future.