Lecture: Achieving better outcomes in glaucoma patients with cataracts
This lecture will focus on how optometrists can play a vital role in tackling the growing glaucoma burden in the UK. We will explore strategies to improve patient compliance, support caregivers, raise public awareness, and enhance the detection and management of glaucoma suspects. Special attention will be given to the management of glaucoma patients with cataracts, particularly the potential benefits of minimally invasive glaucoma surgery (MIGS). In the UK, managing patients with both conditions requires a tailored approach, considering factors such as disease severity, glaucoma type, and overall eye health, to achieve better long-term outcomes.
Learning outcome(s):
Practitioners will understand the best practice approaches for investigation and management of glaucoma patients, relative to their scope of practice (s.5)
Practitioners will have an up-to-date knowledge of glaucoma referral pathways and the appropriate information to include in referrals (s.7)
Practitioners will understand the role of charitable organisations in supporting individuals living with glaucoma, how to access these services, and work collaboratively with providers (s.10).
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