Lecture: Inclusive paediatric dispensing
Supported by her research in paediatric facial anthropometry and the considerations this brings to suitable spectacle frames for children, Dr Alicia Thompson will take attendees through a range of aspects it is essential to consider when dispensing children. Delegates will be asked to consider the perspective of the child and how they may view the experience of the dispensing appointment, as well as consider their developmental situation. The relationship between different facial and frame measurements will be covered in detail and includes discussions on the facial development of children from birth and how this relates to facial measurements and frame fitting. This lecture will also look at some specific characteristics and general facial measurement indications for children of different ethnicities and children with Down syndrome. Discussions on frame availability and considerations on appropriate lens choices will also be conducted.
Learning outcomes:
Practitioners will identify effective communication approaches and the need to adapt language when supporting patients with a range of needs, and consider the view of the child using appropriate communication approaches to ensure they are engaged in the dispensing process (s.1, s.2)
Practitioners will identify the range of facial measurements that are required to provide a good frame fit, how to take these accurately
and the relationship of facial measurements to frame measurements to enable the selection of an appropriate frame and lens material. They will recognise lens form and blank size relationships to ensure a suitable outcome for the prescription and the child’s needs and understand the facial development of children and how this relates to facial measurements and final frame fitting (s.7).