Okkul was founded by two eyewear enthusiast girls, Zsanett Fabian and Zsófi Daisy Késmárky in Budapest. Their first thoughts about creating bespoke eyewear started with a Mazzuchelli creative kit that we ordered with 20 slabs of acetate, with little to no previous knowledge about the industry. Zsani is a hairdresser master and Zsófi has a degree as a silversmith. They already had the basic tools for creating glasses and just needed some help. After around 3 years of learning, researching and development, they were pleased to introduce Okkul as their brand. They focus on edgy designs, not compromising comfort, bespoke, one-of-a-kind pieces. Their clientele are mostly musicians and artists who they work together with to design their pieces. Their frames are handmade in their little atelier in Budapest with a handsaw, filing, and forming. One of their specialties is laminating acetate sheets together and creating a fade-away effect of multiple colours. They love what they do and this profession is fading out but they would like to keep it alive.