eyeRadar - more than just an eye-tracking device
Did you know 1 out of 3 students do not have adequate reading skills!
Did you know 1 out of 5 students have dyslexia!
Would you like to have a tool that can measure and identify fast and objectively the reading problems of a student as well as an eye tracking device?
This tool is the eyeRadar
a digital tool for the Rapid Assessment of Dyslexia and Abnormalities in Reading.
It utilizes a laptop with advanced eye-tracking capabilities and is a fast, digital, accurate, reproducible and objective initial assessment of reading problems, with special focus on dyslexia.
eyeRadar's multidisciplinary team of doctors and scientists, who have been working together over the last decade, has a solid world-class scientific background. Using over 25 parameters to measure reading, it provides valuable information about the way a student reads specific texts. Unlike most dyslexia assessments which utilize reading aloud, eyeRadar’s silent reading approach reduces nervousness and does not require activation of the vocalization centres of the brain. If a reading problem is confirmed, a personalized treatment plan is developed via guidance from the produced report. Currently, the team has ongoing collaborations with prominent universities around the world such as Harvard University in the USA and Cardiff Metropolitan University in the UK.